Retirement is possibly one of the most disruptive and life-changing events that can happen to us in our lifetimes.
We spend our long working life saving and budgeting for this major turning point. There is a widely-held belief that most people work toward and look forward to these retirement years. Whilst that may be true for some, many of us feel we are still productive members of society who rely on our earnings to fund our desired lifestyles.
It can help to reframe your thinking around retirement. Instead of treating retirement as ending something, think of it as beginning a new chapter. Don’t just retire from something; retire to something. It’s your choice. Either you make your life happen and have a richer life that is well lived, or just let it happen to you. Which would you prefer?
To achieve a successful and fulfilling retirement you must prepare. Start now: consider what you want to do, how you are going to achieve it and whether you have the resources.
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