Easter has been and gone, and as we move through another week of UK lockdown we’re all getting into the swing of this new, temporary normal. The markets remain somewhat volatile this week as they react to the ongoing trajectory of the virus. Regardless, our advice to you remains the same – sit tight and focus on the long-term.
At UNIQ, our ethos revolves around one simple concept: “a life well lived”. While it can be hard to imagine how to make the most of our present situation, and whilst it is unlikely to be aligned with your highest ambitions and most exciting goals, there are still many ways to promote wellbeing and lift your spirits. Right now, that’s more important than ever.
It’s well-known and proven that a constant cycle of negative news is bad for our mood and mental health, and having our daily life disrupted in such a way causes stress. Research has shown that negative television news contributes significantly to feelings of sadness and anxiety, and social media can be even worse. They’re also more present than ever – so that’s our first recommendation.
Step away from the news.
Take a break from social media. Yes, it’s an important tool to many for staying in touch with friends and family across the globe, but we recommend giving yourself a specific window each day in which to do it. Avoid falling into the trap of scrolling through Facebook reading story after story about Covid-19. It won’t do you any good. Of course, log on to our Facebook page and give us a like. We put good news on there.
Stay connected with your loved ones.
Why not try a video call with your friends and family instead of using Facebook? Not only does it support your goal of using social media less, but seeing their faces does a world of good too. We have been using Zoom for this, and you can get the basic one for free.
Breathing exercises.
Controlled breathing exercises are a good way to relax your mind and body. There are many techniques out there, but one of the most favoured is box breathing. Box breathing is about slow, deep breaths for four equal counts, and is intended to focus your mind and slow your heart rate. Start by exhaling deeply. Then inhale slowly for four seconds through the nose; hold for a count of four; exhale slowly through the mouth for four seconds; and hold once more for a four count. Repeat four times in total.
Go outdoors.
The government advice is to stay at home and only leave for exercise and essential trips. This doesn’t exclude you from making use of your garden or outside space. The weather is beginning to warm up now, too, which makes it a joy to be in the outdoors. Try taking your morning coffee and newspaper into the garden; the fresh air and sunshine will do you much good.
This is a very strange time with much uncertainty abound. Your wellbeing is paramount. Do all that you can now to make sure you come out of this time ready to get back to the life you want.
Please get in touch on 02920 782330 if you would like to talk to us about the current situation. You can access your portfolio valuation here.